Year 5 & 6
Class Freedom, Protection & Opportunity
Year 5 and 6 has 3 classes. A Year 5 class, and 2 classes comprised of Year 5 and 6 children. These years continue to further develop the children’s independence in their approach to learning. We encourage children to take on more responsibility making them future ready, building for when they move on the secondary school. The mornings continue to be focused on English and Maths, building on children’s previous learning. The afternoons cover the learning in all the other curriculum areas over a two year rolling programme ensuring coverage.
Year 6 is an important year in making the children secondary ready and we give them additional responsibilities to help them develop this, One of the highlights for the children is being Foundation stage buddies, where each year 6 takes responsibility to help a Foundation Stage child settle into school.
Spring Term PE Days 2025
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Opportunity |
PE Day Tennis |
PE Day Dance |
Protection |
PE Day Dance |
PE Day Tennis |
Freedom |
PE Day Dance |
PE Day Tennis |
PE Kit information
For hall sports & summer athletics:
- white plain tee
- black/blue shorts
- socks (outdoors)
- trainers/daps
For outdoor games in cold weather:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain navy or black tracksuit (or sweater and jogging bottoms)
- socks
- trainers
For swimming lessons, swimwear as advised by the School.
In Mile Post Three, most children will still be on the school’s levelled ‘reading scheme’. This is to ensure your child continues to have a broad breadth of reading experiences where they’re exposed to age appropriate themes, ambitious vocabulary and a range of different genres.
Each week, your child will be working towards a five-star reader reward. They will achieve this reward by reading five times a week, over five weeks (this does not have to be five consecutive weeks although it is preferable).
To earn this reward your child will need to read at least five times each week at home. However, at Blue Coat we strongly believe that all children should have the opportunity to read for pleasure by choosing their own text to read whether it’s a magazine, comic, recipe or even a set of instructions.
Therefore, we suggest that your child reads the levelled reading scheme book three times a week and a text of their choice twice a week. They will need to record their reading into their reading records in order to earn their five-star reader reward.
Here is a list of recommended reading books for Year 5 and Year 6.
Spring Term Overview Spring 2025
In Mile Post Two, the children are given weekly spellings focusing on a particular spelling rule.
"To help learn spellings at home, your child will bring home a copy of their termly spelling lists at the beginning of each short term. They will also be given a ‘Spelling Shed’ username and password.
Spelling Shed is an online platform which provides a game-like format that helps builds your child’s confidence in spelling (please see Spelling Shed Parent Guide below to learn more). We would encourage your child to practise their spellings at least 5 times a week.
Your child will be tested on their spellings every Thursday and introduced to their new spellings on a Thursday.
Spelling Spring Term 2025
Spelling Test Dates.
In Mile Post Three, spelling tests take place every Thursday. New spellings are also given out on Thursday.
Spelling Shed Parent Guide
In Mile Post Three, the children need to be able to recall and apply key mathematical knowledge. To support this learning at home, we would like them to learn the maths key knowledge contained in the Maths Key Knowledge Booklet (available below). We do not expect them to learn it all in one go but a couple of pages at a time. They will then be tested on the pages they have learnt.
If you are unable to access the digital copy from the website, then please ask in the school office and they will be able to give you a paper copy of it.
The test dates and corresponding pages which need to be learnt are as followed:
Week beginning Monday 7th October: Pages 1 and 2
Week beginning Monday 21st October: Page 3 and 4
Week beginning Monday 11th November: Pages 5 and 6
Week beginning Monday 25th November: Page 7
Week beginning Monday 9th December: Pages 8 and 9
Week beginning Monday 13th January: Pages 9 & 10
Week beginning Monday 27th January: Pages 11 and 12
Week beginning Monday 10th February: Pages 12 and 13
Week beginning Monday 10th March: Whole Booklet
Alongside the Key Knowledge, the children in Mile Post Three also have individual TT Rockstars accounts. Whilst many of the children will be fluent with their multiplication tables, it is important for them to continue to practise.
Link to TT Rockstars: ttrockstars