Shed Seven (Minus Four!)2 December 2019 (by admin) |
As a school community, we all realise that play is an integral part of each child's preparation for Future Readiness. We probably don't need to outline here the virtues of child-initiated play on how children thrive and learn.
One thing we may need to point out though is that for quality play there is a 'trinity' of key ingredients: PERMISSION - SPACE - STUFF.
PERMISSION: we hold fortnightly play assemblies, led by Mrs Murray and the children themselves, to help children make better decisions in their play. There are few rules to adhere to, but the ones we have are 'Golden', such is their importance to projecting respect and keeping ourselves and others safe. This forum offers a valuable opportunity to discuss the nature of play and in particular the equipment children get to play with (its opportunities and potential risks).
SPACE: Mrs Murray's role as Play Co-ordinator is both practical and strategic. Part of her strategic work has been improving pupils' access to high quality play opportunities. This has meant opening up as much of the school's site situated at the rear of the school to children's play as possible. Previously barren land has now been 'play enabled', allowing the children maximum space, and diversity of space, to explore different play opportunities.
Good quality play also requires 'STUFF'. Most of that stuff requires storing. Thankfully, we have parents like Mr Armstrong who kindly donated the school a huge shed for storing our growing supply of scrap materials that the children use on a daily basis in their play. More than that, Mr Armstrong was also part of a loyal parent team who erected the shed in a weekend 'Fix-it' parent working party, accompanied by site manager Mr Haynes and Mrs Murray. We are so grateful they did - THANK YOU!
Yesterday, the children dived into 'Shed 3' and got to grips with the new play materials on offer. These were kindly provided by the financial support of the Tyler Grange Community Fund (thank you!)
Needless to say, they had huge amounts of fun. The pictures speak for themselves:
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